What is Behind New MSM Push for Invasion of Syria?

What is behind the renewed propaganda calling for an all out invasion of Syria?

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links available after break

Rex Tillerson: Russia bears responsibility for Syria chemical attacks https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jan/23/rex-tillerson-russia-bears-responsibility-for-syria-chemical-attacks

TV host urging America to invade Syria gets destroyed by comedian (Video) http://theduran.com/tv-host-urging-america-to-invade-syria-gets-destroyed-by-comedian-video/

Russia rejects US procrastination regarding investigation into chemical attacks in Syria https://sana.sy/en/?p=125330

recent mortar attacks from our moderate terrorist in Syria https://sana.sy/en/?s=mortar+attack

TryannyUnmasked video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzA6Oo7FDo0

US State Dept. Admits Nusra Front Terrorists Use Chemical Weapons in Syria https://muraselon.com/en/2017/10/us-state-dept-admits-nusra-front-terrorists-use-chemical-weapons-syria/

Fox and CNN Providing Aid and Comfort to ISIS and al Qaeda in Syria https://willyloman.wordpress.com/2018/01/19/fox-and-cnn-providing-aid-and-comfort-to-isis-and-al-qaeda-in-syria/

Live map of conflict in Syria https://syria.liveuamap.com/

Greater Kurdistan: A Work in Progress Brought to You by NATO, President Peace Prize and… Israel https://willyloman.wordpress.com/2015/09/25/greater-kurdistan-a-work-in-progress-brought-to-you-by-nato-president-peace-prize-and-israel/

Ian56 Twitter feed https://twitter.com/Ian56789

my Greater Kurdistan coverage https://willyloman.wordpress.com/category/greater-kurdistan/

Penny for Your Thoughts http://pennyforyourthoughts2.blogspot.com/

website: https://willyloman.wordpress.com/
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: https://twitter.com/willyloman1
Skype: americaneveryman

14 Responses

  1. Way off topic, Scott, but I’ll put it up anyway because you’re a cat owner.

    Watching our back yard come to life early this AM and saw one of the cats that live around here, a big, long haired black brute, walk down a path I had shoveled through our latest blizzard to the bird feeder hanging on the clothes line pole. I had left some pizza scraps under the feeder for the birds to peck away at, and the cat had a few sniffs. Wasn’t interested, maybe because it was from a veggie pizza Pat had ordered. So, it jumped up into the deep snow, made it’s way over to, and disappeared underneath, the work trailer I have parked out there.

    They’re a tough breed, them cats. I hope it makes it through the winter.

    Now, I’ll see if this machine will co-operate and try to watch the video up there. It’s a touchy machine, though, with a mind of it’s own.

    • That little cat is making meals out of mice … and killing rats for the sport of it. It would probably love a tasty bite of a cooked hamburger…. be your friend forever. He may even have been a house cat at one time….. 🙂

      • There’s several of them that live out there, Jan. They have cat fights, breed among themselves, bring their kittens around when they think it’s safe enough, but most are leery of people, scatter when I come out.

        I don’t care much for cats, but still, I’d hate to see them starve.

        Hi to Scott.

  2. It’s the usual suspects…

    From an April 2003 Haaretz article:

    The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservative intellectuals, most of them Jewish, who are pushing President Bush to change the course of history. Two of them, journalists William Kristol and Charles Krauthammer, say it’s possible.

    This is a war of an elite. [Tom] Friedman laughs: I could give you the names of 25 people (all of whom are at this moment within a five-block radius of this office) who, if you had exiled them to a desert island a year and a half ago, the Iraq war would not have happened.


  3. Kinda disagree that the Glorious Kurdistan Project is a separate affair from the big Pivot to Asia. Seems to me that it’s a critical component of the Pivot to Asia/Rimlands Strategy. They need to own defensible Middle East real estate that’ll theoretically keep the Mongol hoards from threatening the Gulf and Suez. And aside from a few spots (i.e., Golan Heights), Uncle Sam don’t own much defensible terrain in the region no more.

    If you overlay a map of the Zagros Fold Belt (https://readtiger.com/img/wkp/en/Zagros_Folded_Zone.jpg) on your Greater Kurdistan map… it’s a pretty close match. The fold belt topography provides the defensible terrain that’s lacking in the Empire’s portfolio. And I’d bet that’s the primary reason they’re willing to risk a NATO Civil War (or worse) over the Kurdistan Project: they need to establish a ‘border wall’ in the Zagros Fold Belt before further imperial adventures can be had in Asia.

    • Hey Edgar: that’s a most interesting image you’ve linked to- I’m going to read up on that- I do think you are correct that the desired Kurdistan is part and parcel of the NATO pivot to Asia

      I did a post on this very topic and I’ll leave a link for you and Willy both

      Kurdistan: Impeding the New Silk Road/Rimland Vs Heartland


      I very much see the creation of Kurdistan as affecting the Silk Road, China is creating, connecting to Russia and all across Asia-
      Likening it to a road block on the silk road

      Thanks for the tip

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