FBI Arrests 19-year-old Dipshit on Behalf of Butthurt CNN: Called them “Fake News”

Yes, the intrepid folks at the FBI are busy arresting 19-year-olds making prank calls so that CNN can play the victim card regarding the Fake News Awards 2017.

Don’t you think they might have something better to do?

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links available after the break

CBS story http://www.cbs46.com/story/37323169/feds-man-threatened-to-kill-cnn-employees

official complaint (PDF) https://docs.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=http://WGCL.images.worldnow.com/library/6143497e-23f8-4ea3-9ea3-1faa7c4d27b8.pdf

CNN practically sweeps Fake News Awards https://gop.com/the-highly-anticipated-2017-fake-news-awards/

Salon calls me “fake news” in 2013 https://www.salon.com/2013/06/19/here_come_the_edward_snowden_truthers/

Hamilton 68 calls all sorts of people “fake news” https://dashboard.securingdemocracy.org/

PropOrNot calls lots of us “fake news” http://www.propornot.com/p/the-list.html

website: https://willyloman.wordpress.com/
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Skype: americaneveryman

5 Responses

  1. Desperate and pathetic

  2. How could anyone hate so many people? The young man is sick.

  3. I was pained to see the word “butthurt” in the title of an article featuring a video that shows the face of Don Lemon. Can’t you imagine the deep heartache (different organ involved) you unthinkingly caused to those of your readers who are battling prejudice and struggling for equal rights?

    • how very insensitive of me. I kinda had to think about using that term when I came up with the title but it is a current thing I guess and it does fit so terribly well, does it not? I did not think about the image of Don and the term “butthurt” and the connotations that would be implied… I do apologize for that. I’m sure the two bring up all sorts of unintended images in the viewer’s mind. sorry.

      • I hope your gracious apology gently smooths any feathers you might have inadvertently ruffled. (Note to Freud-obsessed readers: no hidden meaning was intended by my aviary metaphor).

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