by Scott Creighton
In the interest of full disclosure, I covered this phony journalist a year ago when he was fired from the Intercept for making up fake stories. I pointed out the hypocrisy of Glenn Greenwald firing him while the entire purpose behind the Intercept was to publish the fake “leaks” from the manufactured hero story of “Edward Snowden”
Juan Thompson was a race-baiting Mockingbird of a “journalist” a couple years ago working for the Intercept. He made up stories that were designed to help the race-based destabilization campaign that was going on back then. In one he tried to help manufacture a motive in the “Dylan Storm Roof” psyop by saying “Scott Roof”, Dylan’s cousin, said Dylan did it because he liked a white girl and she ended up with a black man. That is the most primitive of race-baiting stories you could possibly come up with. “Da black man be stealin the white womens” or “Jungle fever” or whatever you want to call it.
It was a total lie. There was no “Scott Roof”. Juan made him up. But the story stuck for a while and served it’s purpose. Tensions between the races were at an all time high for a while and it answered the question “why would he do it?”
But it was a total and complete fabrication and the Intercept eventually fired him for it, though they left the race-baiting story on their website for some BS reason (right along beside their BS “Edward Snowden” stories)
In fact, all of his BS stories are still up on their website with a few “corrections” and as you can see, they are all based on race-baiting.
Retracted: Dylann Roof’s Cousin Claims Love Interest Chose Black Man Over HimCorrected:
Corrected: Footage of Police Violence Puts Heat on Chicago Officials
Corrected: Black Lives Matter Activists Blocked From Entering Trump Campaign Rally
Corrected: St. Louis Grapples — and Fails to Grapple — With the Matter of Murdered Black Women
Corrected: St. Louis Residents Fight to Keep Spy Agency From Taking Their Homes
Yesterday the New York Times came out with a story about this new rash of anti-Semetic bomb threats targeting Jewish schools, synagogues and other Jewish community centers in which they said that Juan Thompson had been arrested and accused of making many of these phony threats.
Here is the official Federal Complaint filed against Thompson on March 1, 2017.
It’s a 9-page complaint which seems to list only one count, or charge, leveled at Thompson which is for “cyberstalking”
The complaint goes on to list a number of times Juan Thompson made phony bomb threats against Jewish schools and centers. My question is, why are they only charging him with one count of cyberstalking when he made all those bomb threats? Maybe I’m reading the complaint wrong, but that seems kinda odd to me.
According to the story, Thompson got rejected by a girl he was dating so he went off and started cyberstalking her. He sent false information about her to her employer, tried to blackmail her with nude photos and eventually started making false bomb threats “in her name” to various Jewish organizations.
One of the false claims he supposedly made about her to her employer was that she was anti-Semetic. She works for a social services organization in New York.
He apparently also contacted the Center for Missing and Exploited Children and told them she liked child porn and showed him pictures on her cell phone of kids engaged in sexual acts. He apparently also contacted the NYPD and tried to make the same claim anonymously and when they called him at his home and said the anonymous email was sent from his IP address he stated he didn’t know anything about her and child porn and that his email account “had been hacked”
As if that wasn’t bad enough, on or about January 28th, long after the “Jewish threats” thing was a thing, it is said in the complaint that Juan Thompson started making a series of threats against JCC (Jewish community center) targets. He made 8 of them in all, some in her name, some in his own.
Keep in mind, Thompson was already under investigation long before this part of the story even began.
On Jan. 28th someone called the Jewish History Museum in Manhattan and said “Juan Thompson has placed two bombs in the History museum to go off Sunday” … Sunday was Juan’s birthday.
On Feb. 1st, in Farmington Hills Michigan, a bomb threat was sent to a Jewish school via email which read “Juan Thompson put two bombs in your school last night. He is eager for a Jewish newtown (sic)”
On the same day the same email was sent to a Jewish school in Manhattan.
On Feb. 7th and email was sent to a JCC in Manhattan which said “Juan Thompson put two bombs in your center today. He wants to create Jewish newtown tomorrow. Look at his Twitter account”
Then there is this: in this complaint (which remarkably, doesn’t charge Thompson with making terrorist threats against the JCC’s or the schools) the investigator states Thompson’s Twitter account had a message dated Feb. 24th which stated:
Yep. Race-baiting again. Here’s his Twitter account. It reads like its run by a infowarrior from Ft. Dix.
The New York Times article suggests Thompson was “charged” with making the bomb threats against the JCCs. That’s not what he’s charged with. According to the official complaint, he is only charged with cyberstalking right now. That may change.
Juan Thompson has a public defender and was arrested yesterday.
The Intercept has released a statement saying they were “horrified” to learn their race-baiting and lying former “journalist” (whose work is STILL published on their website) is STILL a race-baiting and lying psychopath.
Filed under: Juan Thompson, Scott Creighton |
New York Times…
“Trump, Offering No Evidence, Says Obama Tapped His Phones.”
Democrats, fake leftists, and the NYT, offering EVEN LESS evidence, say Trump is a Russian agent.
Meanwhile the neoliberal beat goes on.
I’m no fan of The Intercept, as it comes across as fake, controlled opposition to the corporate mainstream media. However, you’re wrong on this one, Scott.
The dead giveaway that this Thompson guy is innocent is that the real culprits were sloppy and played their race card too hard. Just like in Hollywood, rather than let the story tell itself, they had to direct it over the top. Google: price tag attacks
Then, watch this video:
“Thompson is the perfect [patsy] amalgam of Trump conspiracy tropes: a fake-news writer, a black man with racial animus for white women and a radical leftist drumming up false flags. Trump has already floated the idea that the threats against Jewish community centers could be red herrings…the Department of Homeland Security now identifies anti-Trump sentiments as a key driver of violent domestic terrorism, as opposed to anti-immigrant or anti-Muslim white extremism…Juan Thompson’s arrest provides the perfect opportunity to chalk up domestic terrorism to the anti-Trump left, and ignore the recent tide of right-wing extremism…Expect this narrative to continue — if an extremist has expressed pro-Democratic or pro-leftist viewpoints, they’ll be made an incidental avatar for an entire political identity that systematically repudiates him, even as his counterparts on the right are forgiven or erased.”
it’s just the “smartest guys in the room” punching in their multiple
rather dizzying tropes.
How do they keep ’em all straight…
O wait they aren’t / c i a etc…when you find them crawling BUGSPLAT
Now that the infiltration is complete, we’re all Palestinians.
Pretty sad if this is the best Ft Dix has to offer.
Hee hee, just watched that the other day on Netflix. I think I like “Young Frankenstein” a bit better, but this one was good too. Haven’t seen it in a long time, and mostly on TV, so it was a bit jarring to hear a particular word used so much throughout. Knew it was there, but I forgot how frequent. So emblematic of the freewheeling ’70s, and it would likely be heavily censored today. Maybe we take ourselves just a bit too seriously these days. We live in times that call for more levity.
well…guess i gotta look on the BRIGHT side.
The sooner, the better, git us ‘human’ bacteria off the face of earth.
We is Real Bad germs people.
Please Russian folk, you did it to the nazi germs,
Pre-empt the impending u$ nuke attack.
So we may rest in peaces.
Who’s race-baiting who?
“Definitely not vandalism. The older sections, as the stones wear, they do fall over, or are unstable and what we do is we lay them across the grave to keep them memorialized, rather than taking it away.” - Maurica Tarantino, Washington Cemetery General Manager
“Anti-black racism among white Jewish people is a seldom discussed aspect of the complicated arc of black-Jewish relations in the US…The illusion of lockstep black-Jewish solidarity on liberal political coalition-building has long masked the reality of white Jewish privilege and investment in white supremacy.”

“Jews are an important part of the more general social construction of whiteness…Even amidst anti- Semitism, the anti-Black situation confers white-skin privilege on Jews…This social construct places Jews among the beneficiaries of European imperialism…Clearly, there has been quite reprehensible past discrimination against Jews…I argue, though, that Jews in America have sought and largely attained white-skin privilege, a privilege that advantageously sets the stage for their continued success and achievement…the white privilege that Jews have come to enjoy is racialized privilege and status that allow “expectations that originated in injustice to be naturalized and legitimated.”
 “Anti-Semitism” may be the most abused term…it is now primarily invoked to uphold Jewish/white privilege…While howls of “anti-Semitism” are usually an effort to deter Palestinian solidarity, the shrill claims may also represent what a Freudian psychologist would call a “projection”…Inward looking and affluent, the Jewish community is quick to claim victimhood. But, like an out of control child, the major Jewish organizations need a time out.”
The dead giveaway that accused JCC bomb threat caller, Juan Thompson, is innocent is that the real culprits were sloppy and played their race card too hard. Just like in Hollywood, rather than let the story tell itself, they had to direct it over the top.
Just Google: price tag attacks
“Thompson is the perfect [patsy] amalgam of Trump conspiracy tropes: a fake-news writer, a black man with racial animus for white women and a radical leftist drumming up false flags. Trump has already floated the idea that the threats against Jewish community centers could be red herrings…the Department of Homeland Security now identifies anti-Trump sentiments as a key driver of violent domestic terrorism, as opposed to anti-immigrant or anti-Muslim white extremism…Juan Thompson’s arrest provides the perfect opportunity to chalk up domestic terrorism to the anti-Trump left, and ignore the recent tide of right-wing extremism…Expect this narrative to continue — if an extremist has expressed pro-Democratic or pro-leftist viewpoints, they’ll be made an incidental avatar for an entire political identity that systematically repudiates him, even as his counterparts on the right are forgiven or erased.”
Again, who’s race-baiting who?
“Assemblyman Dov Hikind, who pointed at a section of barbed wire missing in the area facing the toppled tombstones, thinks that the tipped graves should still be investigated.
“Someone cut this? Who cut it? Why did they do it? Just to have fun?” he asked.”
[…] American Everyman - Race-baiting Agent Provocateur “Journalist” Juan Thompson Arrested for (Making Bomb Threats Targ… […]
UPDATE: “The indictment against the hacker reveals the “price list of the threats” of the young man from Ashkelon, and the method, the targets and the details of the warnings…Extortion by threats, the publication of false information that causes fear and panic, impersonation of another person. These are only a small part of the offenses in which the hacker from Ashkelon is accused. The indictment against him lists no less than 2,000 cases in which he extorted, threatened and intimidated by phone calls, and 31 other cases of threats he transmitted by email…Tel Aviv District Court Judge Avraham Heiman on Monday released the full and serious indictment filed by the State Department’s cyber department against the 18-year-old hacker who frightened the world. Due to the fact that some of the acts were committed when he was a minor, he will be tried in a juvenile court…According to the indictment, in the last two years he contacted and contacted airlines, airports, schools, shopping malls, police stations, hospitals, the Israeli embassy in the United States, an American senator, various public institutions and more. The indictment details 142 cases in which he threatened to plant bombs on passenger planes…Here is a list of 21 cases in which he kept the news document about the consequences of his actions:
July 4, 2015: A bomb on a Southwest flight from Baltimore to Denver.
July 6, 2015: A bomb on an American Airlines flight from Orlando to Minneapolis.
July 7, 2015: A bomb on a Southwest Airlines flight from Baltimore to Rhode Island.
July 7, 2015: A bomb on an American Airlines flight from Chicago to Dallas.
July 20, 2015: A suicide bomber on an American Airlines flight from Los Angeles to Miami.
October 13, 2015: Bomb of American Airlines flight from Miami to New York.
November 18, 2015: A bomb on an Air France flight from Washington to France.
December 7, 2015: A bomb on an Air France flight from San Francisco to Paris.
February 17, 2016: A bomb on a Virgin Australia flight from Sydney to Los Angeles.
June 2, 2016: A “Da’as activist” planted a bomb on a British Airways flight from London to New Ark, demanding $ 50,000 for Natrola.
July 4, 2016: Bomb on American Airlines flight from London to Chicago.
July 5, 2016: A bomb on an El Al plane from New York to Israel. As a result, the French Air Force launched fighter jets that accompanied the plane during its flight in French airspace. After the plane entered Swiss airspace, the Swiss Air Force launched two F-18 fighter planes that accompanied the flight, on alert to intercept the plane if it posed a threat to those on the ground.
July 22, 2016: A bomb on a Delta flight from New York to Miami.
July 27, 2016: Bomb on United Airlines flight from New Ark to Seattle.
August 3, 2016: A bomb on a West Jet flight from Vancouver to Ottawa.
December 11, 2016: A bomb on a Delta flight from Bedford to Oklahoma City. NBA players Boston Celtics, who were on the plane on their way to a game in Oklahoma, were evacuated and security forces began searching for explosives.
December 13, 2016: Bomb on Lufthansa flight from Houston to Frankfurt.
January 31, 2017: Bomb on American Airlines flight to Indianapolis.
February 17, 2017: A bomb on a United Airlines flight from Orlando to New Jersey.
Apart from those 21 calls, he called another 121 airlines, airports and police stations - and claimed he had planted a bomb on various flights. Among other things, he warned Ben Gurion airport on August 17 last year that a bomb had been placed on flight No. 6 of Los Angeles Airlines from Los Angeles to Los Angeles, which was due to explode in a short space of time and threatened that bombs on Air France flights had been buried in Washington, And West Jet from Utah to Edmonton, Canada.
Still, most of the threats the young man turned from Ashkelon to institutions. He made about 2,000 calls to schools, malls, police stations, hospitals, Jewish institutions, various public institutions, etc., using sophisticated methods to camouflage his identity and threatening that acts of terror and murder would take place in those places.
During these conversations, the hacker told his victims that a bomb had been placed in the same place, stressing that they did not have much time, as the bomb would explode in a short time and that the bomb would be directed at the heads of the students or people staying there…He would price the intimidation, extortion and threat services he offered as follows: For a phone call threat of a private house massacre, he demanded a payment of $ 40; For a telephone threat regarding the school massacre, demanded $ 80; In exchange for a telephone threat to bury a bomb on a plane, demanded $ 500. For a threat by email about a school massacre, the hacker demanded $ 30. He even offered his customers special requests to threaten other parties, and to receive quotes from him for their requests.
In exchange for payment committed to carry out the threat and send the tape threat call to the customer. He made it clear to his clients that a threat to a school would be successful only if it led to a drop in emergency forces and evacuation of the school, and that in cases where a threat did not lead to evacuation, the defendant would return the money. As a payment, he received and held a virtual bitcoin equal to NIS 873,000…On July 9, 2015, the hacker phoned George Little, a former senior US Department of Defense official, and told him that he had information that he was planning to kill children and was holding bombs at home…His parents, who accompanied him today in court, asked him to be treated and they claim that their son is not a criminal - but a sick person. The parents are working to open an association that will raise money for medical treatment.
The defendant’s attorney, Shira Nir, said: “The indictment was submitted to a juvenile court, according to the State Attorney’s Office, that some of the offenses were committed when he was a minor … I am glad that the court spoke with the defendant and wanted to be impressed and understood that this was an exceptional and unusual case. This is not a classic criminal who wanted to put the world on his feet, but a sick defendant, both on the level of autism he suffers from and on the neurological level.”
Here’s an archived copy of the article, since the original location has a 404 error that had effectively scrubbed this story from the web.
“Israeli racism and hypocrisy knows no bounds…Dr. [Tamar] Kadar is clearly another factor in Israel’s suppression of this story. It also would explain its insistence on trying Kadar in Israel rather than permitting extradition. Once Kadar left Israel his entire life and family background would be grist for the U.S. media. Confining it to Israel means Dr. Kadar will be subjected to a minimum of exposure.”