31federal criminal complaint.2At this hearing, I will advise you of your3constitutional and legal rights. I will tell you about the4charges against you and the penalties that the Court could5impose if you are found guilty.6You have been charged with (1): Use of a weapon of7mass destruction, in violation of 18, United States Code,8Section 2332a(a); and malicious destruction of property9resulting in death, in violation of 18, United States Code,10Section 844(i).11Mr. Weinreb, what are the maximum penalties?12MR. WEINREB: Your Honor, the maximum penalty on13each count is death, or imprisonment for any term of years,14or life.15THE COURT: Is there a fine?16MR. WEINREB: A fine of up to $250,000.17THE COURT: I will tell you about your right to18counsel, and I will consider conditions of release pending19further court proceedings; that is, whether or not you20should be detained and what amount of bail should be set.21This is not a trial, and you will not be called upon to22answer the charges at this time.23If at any time I say something you do not understand,24interrupt me and say so; is that clear?25THE DEFENDANT: (Defendant nods affirmatively.)